北整会 北海道整形災害外科学会





北海道整形災害外科学会 学術奨励賞のご案内



  1. 過去に本賞を受賞したことがない、45歳以下(応募締め切りの毎年2月末日時点)の北海道整形災害外科学会会員であること。
  1. 前年の1月1日から12月31日までに北海道整形災害外科学会雑誌(以下、北海道整災外)またはその他の学術雑誌に掲載された単著または共著の原著論文で、共著論文では応募者が第一著者であること。 北海道整災外以外に発表された論文は本学会で発表されたものであること。
  2. 北海道整災外以外に発表された論文は本学会で発表されたものであること。
  1. 毎年2月1日~2月末日必着(3月1日以降に届いたものは受け付けません)
  1. 学会発表抄録(北海道整災外掲載論文は不要)および履歴書各7部、論文別冊7部を本学会事務局まで送付する。
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  3. 封筒に「学術奨励賞応募書類在中」と明記し送付する。
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TEL:03-6267-4550 FAX:03-6267-4555 E-mail:maf-hokuseikai@mynavi.jp

学術奨励賞 受賞者一覧


  • 氏名
  • 所属
  • 受賞論文タイトル
  • 辻 英樹
  • 札医
  • Adenovirus-mediated in vivo B7-1 gene transfer induces anti-tumor immunity against pre-established primary tumor and pulmonary metastasis of rat osteosaroma
  • 小野沢 司
  • 旭医
  • Nitric oxide induced ectopic fireing in a lumbar nerve root with cauda equina compression
  • 岩崎 倫政
  • 北大
  • Radial osteotomy for late-stage Kienböck's disease
  • 酒井 俊彦
  • 北大スポーツ
  • Factor-β1 and Epidermal Growth Factor on Properties of the in situ frozen anterior cruciate ligament in rabbits
  • 須田 浩太
  • 北大
  • Local kyphosis reduces surgical outcomes of expansive open-door laminoplasty for cervical spondylotic myelopathy
  • 須藤 英毅
  • 北大
  • In vitro biomechanical effects of reconstruction on adjacent motion segment: Comparison of aligned/kyphotic posterolateral fusion with aligned posteriol lumbar interbody fusion/ posterolateral fusion
  • 近藤 英司
  • 北大スポーツ
  • Biomechanical evaluation of a newly devised model for the elongation-type anterior crusiate ligament injury with partial laceration and permanent elongation
  • 鍋田 裕樹
  • 札医
  • Recongnition by cellular and humoral autologous immunity in a human osteosarcoma cell line
  • 山根 慎太郎
  • 北大
  • Feasibility of chitosan-based hyaluronic acid hybrid biomaterial for a novel scaffold in cartilage tissue engineering
  • 井上 雅之
  • 北大運動機能
  • Primary repair of posterior cruciate ligament avulsion fracture: the effect of occult injury in the midsubstance on postoperative instability
  • 塚原 智英
  • 札医
  • Indentification of human autologous cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte-Defined osteosarcoma gene that encodes a transcriptional regulator, papillomavirus binding factor
  • 竹光 正和
  • 旭医
  • Compliance monitoring of brace treatment for patients with idiopathic scoliosis
  • 船越 忠直
  • 北大
  • Application of tissue engineering techniques for rotator cuff regeneration using a chitosan-based hyaluronan hybrid fiber scaffold
  • 大嶋 茂樹
  • 北大
  • Macrophage migration inhibitory factor-deficient mice are resistant to ovariectomy-induced bone loss
  • 北村 信人
  • 北大運動機能
  • Primary stability of three posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction procedures: a biomechanical in vitro study
  • 入船 秀仁
  • 札医
  • Aberrant laminin β3 insoforms downstream of EWS-ETS fusion genes in Ewing family tumors
  • 大泉 尚美
  • 北大
  • Numerical analysis of cooperative abduction muscle forces in a human shoulder joint
  • 織田 格
  • 北大
  • Palliative spinal reconstruction using cervical pedicle screws for metastatic lesions of the spine
  • 武田 真太郎
  • 札医
  • LKB1 is crucial for TRAIL-mediated apoptosis induction in osteosarcoma
  • 森 律明
  • 北大
  • The role of osteopontin in tendon tissue rimodeling after denervation-induced mechanical stress deprivation
  • 笠原 靖彦
  • 北大
  • Development of mature cartilage constructs using novel three-dimensional porous scafflolds for enhanced repair of osteochondral defects
  • 松橋 智弥
  • 北大
  • Alteration of N-glycans related to articular cartilage deterioration after anterior cruciate ligament transection in rabbits
  • 松村 忠紀
  • 札医
  • Advantage of FISH analysis using FKHR probes for an adjunct to diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcomas
  • 水野 諭
  • 札医
  • The effects of the sympathetic nerves on lumber radicular pain: a behavioural and immunohistochemical study
  • 岡崎 俊一郎
  • 札医
  • Femoral head osteonecrosis can be caused by discruption of the systemic immune response via the toll-like receptor 4 signalling pathway
  • 下出 和美
  • 北大
  • Local upregulation of stromal cell-dereived factor-1 after ligament injuries enhances homing rate of bone marrow stromal cells in rats
  • 高畑 雅彦
  • 北大
  • The effect of anti-resorptive therapies on bone graft healing in an ovariectomized rat spinal arthrodesis model
  • 藤田 裕樹
  • 札医
  • Tight junction proteins claudin-2 and -12 are critical for vitamin D-dependent Ca3+ absorption between enterocytes
  • 髙橋 大介
  • 北大
  • Down-regulation of cathepsin K in synovium leads to progression of osteoarthritis in rabbits
  • 松井 雄一郎
  • 北大
  • Accelerated development of aging-associated and instability-induced osteoarthritis in osteopontin-deficient mice
  • 松本 大
  • 北大
  • A new nerve block procedure for the suprascapular nerve based on a cadaveric study
  • 青野 貴吉
  • 旭医
  • Radiographic analysis of newly developed degenerative spondylolisthesis in a mean twelve-year prospective study.
  • 寺島 嘉紀
  • 札医
  • Changes in synaptic transmission of substantia gelationosa neurons in a rat model of lumber radicular pain revealed by in vivo patch-clamp redording.
  • 門間 太輔
  • 北大
  • Long-term stress distribution patterns across the elbow joint in baseball players assessed by computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry.
  • 瓜田 淳
  • 北大
  • Alterations of high-mannose type N-glycosylation in human and mouse osteoarthritis cartilage.
  • 小野寺 智洋
  • 北大
  • Risk of deep venous thrombosis in drain clamping with tranexamic acid and carbazochrome sodium sulfonate hydrate in total knee arthroplasty.
  • 嘉野 真允
  • 札医
  • Autologous CTL response against cancer stem-like cells/cancer-initiating cells of bone malignant fibrous histiocytoma.
  • 河口 泰之
  • 北大運動機能
  • Comparisons of femoral tunnel enlargement in 169 patients between single-bundle and anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions with hamstring tendon grafts.
  • 祐川 敦
  • 北大
  • Repair of rabbit osteochondral defects by an acellular technique with an ultrapurified alginate gel containing stromal cell-derived factor-1.
  • 寺本 篤史
  • 札医
  • Comparison of different fixation methods of the suture-button implant for tibiofibular syndesmosis injuries.
  • 西田 欽也
  • 北大
  • Distribution of bone mineral density at osteochondral donor sites in the patellofemoral joint among baseball players and controls.
  • 谷本 勝正
  • 札医
  • Does norepinephrine influence pain behavior mediated by dorsal root ganglia?: a pilot study.
  • 神保 静夫
  • 旭医
  • Epidemiology of degenerative lumbar scoliosis: a community-based cohort study.
  • 清藤 直樹
  • 北大
  • Interruption of glycosphingolipid synthesis enhances osteoarthritis development in mice.
  • 佃 幸憲
  • 北大
  • Ganglioside GM3 has an essential role in the pathogenesis and progression of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • 亀田 裕亮
  • 北大
  • Siglec-15 Regulates Osteoclast Differentiation by Modulating RANKL-Induced Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-Akt and Erk Pathways in Association With Signaling Adaptor DAP12
  • 山田 勝久
  • 北大
  • Caspase 3 Silencing Inhibits Biomechanical Overload-Induced Intervertebral Disk Degeneration
  • 高島 弘幸
  • 札医
  • Efficacy of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Diagnosing Spinal Root Disorders in Lumbar Disc Herniation
  • 清水 智弘
  • 北大
  • Vitamin K-dependent carboxylation of osteocalcin affects the efficacy of teriparatide (PTH(1-34)) for skeletal repair.
  • 寺島 理代
  • 北大
  • Quantitative glycomics monitoring of induced pluripotent- and embryonic stem cells during neuronal differentiation
  • 長濱 賢
  • 北大
  • Anomalous vertebral and posterior communicating arteries as a risk factor in instrumentation of the posterior cervical spine.
  • 角家 健
  • 北大
  • Spinal cord reconstitution with homologous neural grafts enables robust corticospinal
  • 遠藤 努
  • 函館厚生院
  • Syndecan 4 regulation of the development of autoimmune arthritis in mice by modulating Bcell migration and germinal center formation-Arthritis & Rheumatology
  • 江森 誠人
  • 札医
  • Prognostic Impact of CD109 Expression in Myxofibrosarcoma
  • 和田 進
  • Hospital for Special Surgery(Weill Cornell Medical College)
  • Hydroxyapatite-coated double network hydrogel directly bondable to the bone:Biological and biomechanical evaluations of the bonding property in an osteochondral defect,

  • 村田 憲治
  • 札医
  • Identification of a novel human memory T-cell population with the characteristics of stem-like chemo-resistance,
  • 小甲 晃史
  • 北海道医療
  • Effects of Multilevel Facetectomu and Screw Density on Postoperative Changes in Spinal Rod Contour in Thoracic Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgery,
  • 齋藤 憲
  • 札医
  • Umbilical cord extracts improve osteoporotic abnormalities of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and promote their therapeutic effects on ovariectomised rats.
  • Mohamad Alaa Terkawi
  • 北大
  • Transcriptional profile of human macrophages stimulated by ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene particulate debris of orthopedic implants uncovers a common gene expression signature of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • 黄金 勲矢
  • 札医
  • Magnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis of multifidus muscles lipid content and association with spinopelvic malalignment in chronic low back pain.
  • 辻本 武尊
  • 北大
  • An acellular bioresorbable ultra-purified alginate gel promotes intervertebral disc repair:A preclinical proof-of-concept study
  • 花香 恵
  • 旭川厚生病院
  • Antagonists to TRPV1, ASICs and P2X have a potential role to prevent the triggering of regional bone metabolic disorder and pain-like behavior in tail-suspended mice
  • 廣田 亮介
  • 札医
  • Comparison of Health-related Quality of Life Between Double-door Laminoplasty and Selective Laminoplasty for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy, With a Minimum Follow-up of 5 Years
  • 佐藤 大
  • 北大
  • Siglec-15-targeting therapy protects against glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis of growingskelton in juvenile rats.
  • 筌場 大介
  • 北大
  • Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells combined with ultra-purified alginate gel as a regenerative therapeutic strategy after discectomy for degenerated intervertebral discs
  • 遠藤 健
  • 北大
  • A Novel Experimental Model to Determine the Axon-Promoting Effects of Grafted Cells After Peripheral Nerve Injury
  • 村橋 靖崇
  • 札医
  • The value of the black fiber sign on T1-weighted images for predicting stability of desmoid fibromatosis managed conservatively
  • 浦 勝郎
  • 北大
  • Ultra-purified alginate gel implantation decreases inflammatory cytokine levels, prevents intervertebral disc degeneration, and reduces acute pain after discetomy
  • 清本 憲太
  • 札医
  • High bone turnover state under osteoporotic changes induces pain-like behaviors in mild osteoarthritis model mice
  • 濱崎 雅成
  • 北大
  • Transcriptional profiling of murine macrophages stimulated with cartilage fragments revealed a strategy for treating progressive osteoarthritis
  • 清水 睦也
  • 協立病院
  • Examination of the changes in lower extremities related to progression of adult spinal deformity: a longitudinal study of over 22 years
  • 松前 元
  • 北大
  • Targeting thymidine phosphorylase as a potential therapy for bone loss associated with periprosthetic osteolysis
  • 小林 英之
  • 北大
  • Differential effects of anti-RANKL monoclonal antibody and zoledronic acid on necrotic bone in a murine model of Staphylococcus aureus-induced osteomyelitis
  • 松岡 正剛
  • 北大
  • Surgical resection of primary tumor in the extremities improves survival for metastatic soft-tissue sarcoma patients: a population-based study of the SEER database
  • 照川 ヘンド
  • 北大
  • Inhibitory role of Annexin A1 in pathological bone resorption and therapeutic implications in periprosthetic osteolysis
  • 横田 隼一
  • 北大
  • Inflammasome Activation in the Hip Synovium of Rapidly Destructive Coxopathy Patients and Its Relationship with the Development of Synovitis and Bone Loss
  • 松原 新史
  • 北大
  • Discrepancy in the Distribution Patterns of Subchondral Bone Density Across the Ankle Joint After Medial Opening-Wedge and Lateral Closing-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy
  • 宝満 健太郎
  • 北大
  • Articular cartilage corefucosylation regulates tissue resilience in osteoarthritis
  • 鈴木 智亮
  • 北大
  • Molecular and Regenerative Characterization of Repair and Non-repair Schwann Cells
  • 鈴木 裕貴
  • 北大
  • Assessing knee joint biomechanics and trunk posture according to medial osteoarthritis severity
  • 岩崎 浩司
  • 北大
  • Higher Association of Pelvis-Knee-Ankle Angle Compared With Hip-Knee-Ankle Angle With Knee Adduction Moment and Patient-Reported Outcomes After High Tibial Osteotomy

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